car insurance

maybe I can help to clear the mystery

Friday, August 17, 2007

insurance, why?

There is something to be said for the Fanatical Insurer – that person we all know, who insists upon insuring his new car before he even breathes upon the paintwork.
My friend Solange picked up her beautiful, shiny new BMW from the showroom, having waited impatiently for months for her personal specifications to be applied to the car. This was the gift she had waited for her entire adult life – a new car. Every other vehicle she had ever owned had been driven by someone else.
This one was special, her fiftieth birthday present from a grateful husband, and her reward for putting up with him for umpteen years. She had ordered the car in silver, with leather interior and all the latest gadgets one could ask for, it was a dream of a car.
Solange invited everybody over to supper to celebrate and dropped into the supermarket on her way to collect the car to pick up groceries for her celebration supper. She intended to leave the car parked on the driveway so she could admire it from her kitchen window and so her friends could see it when they arrived later that evening.
She intended to insure the car as soon as she got home, only a couple of hundred yards from the showroom. Honest! Unfortunately, the French baguette loaf of bread she had bought at the supermarket slid off the console when she braked on the corner just before home, and when she tried to brake in her driveway, the bread slid beneath the brake pedal, preventing the pedal from reaching the necessary distance from the floor and leaving the car at considerable speed.
Poor Solange hurtled into her garage door at 25 mph and instantly wrote off her beautiful car, having owned it for precisely 12 minutes. To make matters worse, the now somewhat bent garage door was extremely expensive, being of the electric variety and was only installed a month previously.
My father spent an entire summer renovating a Chinese junk one year in Hong Kong, and just happened to finish the project on a Sunday morning when all the insurance agents were closed for the weekend. Oh no, I hear you shout – oh yes, I reply! This beautiful fifty foot boat slid down the slipway into the bay, and caught on a spike just as it hit the water. It sank in 65 feet of water, twenty minutes later. All attempts to raise it failed and the last attempt ripped the deck so badly there was no point in sponsoring further disaster.
Always insure before you try that maiden voyage or first little drive, it may save you a fortune in the end.


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